About Me


~ About My Homespun Hill ~

Cover photo 

Thanks for stopping by my corner of blogland...and wanting to know me better!  
I am so glad you are here!
Hello! I am Karey and My Homespun Hill is my first Blog, dedicated to sharing all my tried and true recipes and more that I have collected and perfected!  I am a stay at home wife now, due to the five chronic health conditions that hit a plateau in 2013, forcing me from the work force.  This has created many voids in my once busy and creative life. I have two beautiful sons who are beyond words.  These two boys have always been my world and are my greatest accomplishments in life! I am married to my rock, which I often refer to as my 'Handsome Man’; he is my soul mate for sure.
I am so thankful for these three people!
They give me a reason to carry on...and
some days we all need a reason.

I have been reminded that being a stay at home person can make for pretty long days.  I was a stay at home mom when my boys were small and then entered the work force.  And here I am again, but this time with no little ones to keep me busy; so to spice up my days, feel somewhat useful,  and fill the newly created voids in my life, I have started to clean up this life.
When I hit the recipe box I thought what a collection I have, perhaps I should share it!  I already had named our home on the hill...My Homespun Hill...so the name fit; and my daily goal is to create a happy homestead for my little family.

I LOVE being in the Kitchen and have a great love for good food!  I have always gotten a thrill out of finding new recipes and perfecting them!  I spent many years managing kitchens and thus creating menus and doing just that.  Finding, tweaking and even creating recipes.  Easy and tasty recipes and I have vintage recipes that have been handed down, generation to generation too!
Food has been so much of my life, in one way or another.  So I will begin with my recipe collection. 

The recipes that I will share with you have been prepared for hundreds of people over the years!
I try to season everything...with LOVE...because that's what makes things perfectly happy, here on top of the hill!
I hope you enjoy some of these recipes as much as past clients and my family have, as well as everything else I find around the homestead on the hill to share with you!  Join me on my adventure to live a good life on less!
In addition to food, I absolutely love children and holidays, having the 'perfect' home and saving money, so you will find these things here as well...eventually.
I am also a self admitted pinterest addict, so check out my collection of boards as well and follow me.  I also have a Facebook page so come on by and click me a like there too!

Welcome to our happy homespun homestead on top of the hill!
Where everything is seasoned with Love…
Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog!